Video Presentation Safety: Converting Videos to Animated GIF

Found this excellent little trick from undertake here on wordpress. Nifty little guide on how to convert your videos, i wonder if this only works for .avi movie files, to gif filetype.

Though i have hardly  had a bad experience trying to run a presentation with a video, but this is sure a life-saving tip. Will definitely keep it.

When giving presentations using a computer that’s not your own, trying to show video clips can end badly. It’s much safer to use animated GIFs instead. Luckily it’s easy to convert videos to animated GIF on the command line using mplayer: None like your Youtube video Converter.

mplayer movie.avi -vo gif89a:output=movie.gif -vf scale=600:337 -ss 4

This command converts “movie.avi” to “movie.gif”, rescales the output to 600:337 and starts at second 4 of the video – skipping the beginning.

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